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My name is Elizabeth Roland and am from Oxford Mississippi united states I have a kid I loose my husband 3 year ago by car accident. I am not looking for a particular size,colour, beauty or races but I want to meet a man who is loving, very serious

"My name is Elizabeth Roland and am from Oxford Mississippi united states I have a kid I loose my husband 3 year ago by car accident. I am not looking for a particular size,colour, beauty or races but I want to meet a man who is loving, very serious" Stats

50% are Male
50% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like My name is Elizabeth Roland and am from Oxford Mississippi united states I have a kid I loose my husband 3 year ago by car accident. I am not looking for a particular size,colour, beauty or races but I want to meet a man who is loving, very serious: Elizabeth1986

Newest Member to like My name is Elizabeth Roland and am from Oxford Mississippi united states I have a kid I loose my husband 3 year ago by car accident. I am not looking for a particular size,colour, beauty or races but I want to meet a man who is loving, very serious: Youngcock27

2 Members Like "My name is Elizabeth Roland and am from Oxford Mississippi united states I have a kid I loose my husband 3 year ago by car accident. I am not looking for a particular size,colour, beauty or races but I want to meet a man who is loving, very serious"

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