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nude dares

"nude dares" Stats

80% are Male
20% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like nude dares: dave1961

Newest Member to like nude dares: Onemario1234

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Although Ive had a couple dares, I guess my most risky one was being dared to drive the 30 miles to work with my pants and uderwear down past mykees. Even though it is 4:30 am when I leave home, I live in town, and have to drive through two other towns to get to work. And to prove that I followed the rules, a friend followed me and verified that I didnt stop and that I was still exposed when I arrived.
115 months, 2 days ago

The first nude dare I won was when I was married. My wife challenged me to walk out of our hotel room, down the hall, to the ice machine, fill the bucket, and bring it back. It was around 10pm on a weeknight, so there weren't a whole lot of people there. I was just drunk enough to accept the dare. It was about a 100 foot walk, but it seemed like a mile. On the way back, I heard the elevator ding and panicked. She met me at the door but kept it chained, giggling while I stood buff in the hall. The couple walked by and made a comment and laughed but kept going. I was mortified but... hey... she fucked my brains out so it was worth it!
119 months, 4 days ago

Anyone wishing to give or recieve any nude dares?
121 months, 29 days ago