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Swimming I pack my car with tent and fishing rods and go camping trip. I love watching movies but is better with someone. Yes I can cook think I'm not too bad I make homemade pizza and lasagne

"Swimming I pack my car with tent and fishing rods and go camping trip. I love watching movies but is better with someone. Yes I can cook think I'm not too bad I make homemade pizza and lasagne" Stats

33.3% are Male
66.7% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like Swimming I pack my car with tent and fishing rods and go camping trip. I love watching movies but is better with someone. Yes I can cook think I'm not too bad I make homemade pizza and lasagne: Perthboylee66

Newest Member to like Swimming I pack my car with tent and fishing rods and go camping trip. I love watching movies but is better with someone. Yes I can cook think I'm not too bad I make homemade pizza and lasagne: vanessa84

3 Members Like "Swimming I pack my car with tent and fishing rods and go camping trip. I love watching movies but is better with someone. Yes I can cook think I'm not too bad I make homemade pizza and lasagne"

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