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Well hello, Looking for a man who's looking for a women to hang out with, inside and outside of the bedroom, or the couch, or the car, or the kitchen table. I'm strong, sassy and sexually open. I am attached and have no plans to leave my s

"Well hello, Looking for a man who's looking for a women to hang out with, inside and outside of the bedroom, or the couch, or the car, or the kitchen table. I'm strong, sassy and sexually open. I am attached and have no plans to leave my s" Stats

80% are Male
20% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like Well hello, Looking for a man who's looking for a women to hang out with, inside and outside of the bedroom, or the couch, or the car, or the kitchen table. I'm strong, sassy and sexually open. I am attached and have no plans to leave my s: candygingerlove

Newest Member to like Well hello, Looking for a man who's looking for a women to hang out with, inside and outside of the bedroom, or the couch, or the car, or the kitchen table. I'm strong, sassy and sexually open. I am attached and have no plans to leave my s: Luckypaws

15 Members Like "Well hello, Looking for a man who's looking for a women to hang out with, inside and outside of the bedroom, or the couch, or the car, or the kitchen table. I'm strong, sassy and sexually open. I am attached and have no plans to leave my s"

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get in touch i am a dom male looking for sub female i am in Glasgow
90 months, 13 days ago

Yip keen anywhere u want it
95 months, 20 days ago