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"Squirt" Stats

82.9% are Male
14.5% are Female
1.7% are Couples
First Member to like Squirt: DaveTheRed

Newest Member to like Squirt: Cajunstudd85

117 Members Like "Squirt"

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can I watch anyone of you pissing please I get a stonking hard on when I see someone pissing. I have got to be careful as I like to have a sly look at other guys pissing when I go to a toilet in a pub or a public loo. saying that just about every time I go to a public loo, I always end up in the cubicle with a Cock inside my man CUNT. it's so annoying but I can't say no to a big load spurt inside me and I squirt it out
90 months, 17 days ago