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. I just love being outdoors in the peace and serenity of the country which I find very relaxing and enjoyable. Also enjoy camping and gardening

". I just love being outdoors in the peace and serenity of the country which I find very relaxing and enjoyable. Also enjoy camping and gardening" Stats

33.3% are Male
33.3% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like . I just love being outdoors in the peace and serenity of the country which I find very relaxing and enjoyable. Also enjoy camping and gardening: lonelychick

Newest Member to like . I just love being outdoors in the peace and serenity of the country which I find very relaxing and enjoyable. Also enjoy camping and gardening: drejay40

3 Members Like ". I just love being outdoors in the peace and serenity of the country which I find very relaxing and enjoyable. Also enjoy camping and gardening"

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I love the out doors picknicks in the woods nice food then,desert sex out side wot a turn on.I kined a like the idear of geting court as it,s such a turn on. ohh yea
123 months, 29 days ago