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A man who simply takes what he wants

"A man who simply takes what he wants" Stats

61.5% are Male
30.8% are Female
7.7% are Couples
First Member to like A man who simply takes what he wants: Lookin4cougars

Newest Member to like A man who simply takes what he wants: DePeSx

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Hi there. I'm Si and I've never had a cock in me but I will at least try everything once,because how else would I know if I wanted to see if a guy can fit 2 rock hard monsters in one tight hole at once or if I didn't so let's see how much I love one big monster in me at a time or I don't. For my first time I really want to feel it and feel how it feels when you cum and your cock pulses inside of my tight little butt. I'm sure I will like it so be prepared for more 😉😉😂😂😂😉😉
11 months, 11 days ago
65 months, 8 days ago

74 months, 0 days ago