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Guys, You are so hard trying to impressing me with how big your dicks are, I really just like them small -- like 4"

"Guys, You are so hard trying to impressing me with how big your dicks are, I really just like them small -- like 4"" Stats

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First Member to like Guys, You are so hard trying to impressing me with how big your dicks are, I really just like them small -- like 4": AnneMiller

Newest Member to like Guys, You are so hard trying to impressing me with how big your dicks are, I really just like them small -- like 4": nudesean38

2 Members Like "Guys, You are so hard trying to impressing me with how big your dicks are, I really just like them small -- like 4""

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Sweetheart how's 6 inches. You.must have a beautiful and sensitive pussy. I've been looking for a woman like you all of my life. Every relationship I've had has ended because they say my cock is two small. This after having three beautiful kids by the three women that complained the most about my size. And two of them where virgins when I impregnated them. I would do anything for a woman to like and maybe long term and not compare me with past lovers because they say my cock is two small.SO Anne if you check out my profile then let me know what you think and allow me access to your private pics in which I'm sure I'll find a truly stunning and exquisite woman with a truly spectacular body. ALL MY LOVE and LUST. Don xxoo
75 months, 26 days ago