Back to Top hi there if you want to serve me i want you to enroll on BDSM community and you must be s standard member on it okay i want you to become a part of it for you to explore your knowledge on it okay I wan

" hi there if you want to serve me i want you to enroll on BDSM community and you must be s standard member on it okay i want you to become a part of it for you to explore your knowledge on it okay I wan" Stats

50% are Male
50% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like hi there if you want to serve me i want you to enroll on BDSM community and you must be s standard member on it okay i want you to become a part of it for you to explore your knowledge on it okay I wan: princessIya

Newest Member to like hi there if you want to serve me i want you to enroll on BDSM community and you must be s standard member on it okay i want you to become a part of it for you to explore your knowledge on it okay I wan: kel1963

2 Members Like " hi there if you want to serve me i want you to enroll on BDSM community and you must be s standard member on it okay i want you to become a part of it for you to explore your knowledge on it okay I wan"

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Rule me
125 months, 8 days ago