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I am seeking a real cool man who needs true love , im single 23 yrs of age from US here is my Yahoo add me for a chat . anitajames361 . get me on yahoo now

"I am seeking a real cool man who needs true love , im single 23 yrs of age from US here is my Yahoo add me for a chat . anitajames361 . get me on yahoo now" Stats

50% are Male
25% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like I am seeking a real cool man who needs true love , im single 23 yrs of age from US here is my Yahoo add me for a chat . anitajames361 . get me on yahoo now: anitajames

Newest Member to like I am seeking a real cool man who needs true love , im single 23 yrs of age from US here is my Yahoo add me for a chat . anitajames361 . get me on yahoo now: Hrd4UrPusy

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dodee1, you are right, most of the beautiful women are on the west coast, Michigan has them also, and ohio, they are scattered, like you also, love the head of your cock. wow, would sure be interesting,
129 months, 13 days ago

I really to be her man it seem like the most beautiful women are on the west coast
129 months, 14 days ago