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I have no age preference of how old my man is. I am looking for the right man and for a serious relationship with him! He should be attentive and caring, trustful and devoted no matter how old he is

"I have no age preference of how old my man is. I am looking for the right man and for a serious relationship with him! He should be attentive and caring, trustful and devoted no matter how old he is" Stats

66.7% are Male
33.3% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like I have no age preference of how old my man is. I am looking for the right man and for a serious relationship with him! He should be attentive and caring, trustful and devoted no matter how old he is: beinsluv

Newest Member to like I have no age preference of how old my man is. I am looking for the right man and for a serious relationship with him! He should be attentive and caring, trustful and devoted no matter how old he is: JoeyChaps1953

3 Members Like "I have no age preference of how old my man is. I am looking for the right man and for a serious relationship with him! He should be attentive and caring, trustful and devoted no matter how old he is"

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