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I'm single looking for a lady to start with friends, one that is truthful and likes to have fun in numerous activities, must have good personality and mind. looks are not that important but to me personality is number one, I am a just a simple cow

"I'm single looking for a lady to start with friends, one that is truthful and likes to have fun in numerous activities, must have good personality and mind. looks are not that important but to me personality is number one, I am a just a simple cow" Stats

100% are Male
0% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like I'm single looking for a lady to start with friends, one that is truthful and likes to have fun in numerous activities, must have good personality and mind. looks are not that important but to me personality is number one, I am a just a simple cow: aubamajohn

Newest Member to like I'm single looking for a lady to start with friends, one that is truthful and likes to have fun in numerous activities, must have good personality and mind. looks are not that important but to me personality is number one, I am a just a simple cow: aubamajohn

1 Members Like "I'm single looking for a lady to start with friends, one that is truthful and likes to have fun in numerous activities, must have good personality and mind. looks are not that important but to me personality is number one, I am a just a simple cow"

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