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I need a man that would love me for who i am , I miss the touch of a man, and sharing affection with aman. you might laugh but I miss every aspect that comes with being that significant other for another I miss talking kissing and laughing with someon

"I need a man that would love me for who i am , I miss the touch of a man, and sharing affection with aman. you might laugh but I miss every aspect that comes with being that significant other for another I miss talking kissing and laughing with someon" Stats

33.3% are Male
66.7% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like I need a man that would love me for who i am , I miss the touch of a man, and sharing affection with aman. you might laugh but I miss every aspect that comes with being that significant other for another I miss talking kissing and laughing with someon: marryuhles

Newest Member to like I need a man that would love me for who i am , I miss the touch of a man, and sharing affection with aman. you might laugh but I miss every aspect that comes with being that significant other for another I miss talking kissing and laughing with someon: jullietlove90

3 Members Like "I need a man that would love me for who i am , I miss the touch of a man, and sharing affection with aman. you might laugh but I miss every aspect that comes with being that significant other for another I miss talking kissing and laughing with someon"

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