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I think every fight can be avoided with a simple dialog. I am an easy-going person. I prefer to enjoy my life to the fullest. I try to enjoy every day, every minute and every second. I am very faithful. I do not believe in words, I prefer actions. I a

"I think every fight can be avoided with a simple dialog. I am an easy-going person. I prefer to enjoy my life to the fullest. I try to enjoy every day, every minute and every second. I am very faithful. I do not believe in words, I prefer actions. I a" Stats

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First Member to like I think every fight can be avoided with a simple dialog. I am an easy-going person. I prefer to enjoy my life to the fullest. I try to enjoy every day, every minute and every second. I am very faithful. I do not believe in words, I prefer actions. I a: nellywisdom

Newest Member to like I think every fight can be avoided with a simple dialog. I am an easy-going person. I prefer to enjoy my life to the fullest. I try to enjoy every day, every minute and every second. I am very faithful. I do not believe in words, I prefer actions. I a: LotusGuy

5 Members Like "I think every fight can be avoided with a simple dialog. I am an easy-going person. I prefer to enjoy my life to the fullest. I try to enjoy every day, every minute and every second. I am very faithful. I do not believe in words, I prefer actions. I a"

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No discussion yet about I think every fight can be avoided with a simple dialog. I am an easy-going person. I prefer to enjoy my life to the fullest. I try to enjoy every day, every minute and every second. I am very faithful. I do not believe in words, I prefer actions. I a! Be the first to tell us what you think. Use the box below to post your thoughts.