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I think i would like to see if you are the type of man i have been looking for all in my life and i think you deserve to have someone like me because i am a very sweet and caring woman. passionate and honest person who doesn't like games and don't lik

"I think i would like to see if you are the type of man i have been looking for all in my life and i think you deserve to have someone like me because i am a very sweet and caring woman. passionate and honest person who doesn't like games and don't lik" Stats

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100% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like I think i would like to see if you are the type of man i have been looking for all in my life and i think you deserve to have someone like me because i am a very sweet and caring woman. passionate and honest person who doesn't like games and don't lik: prettylove997

Newest Member to like I think i would like to see if you are the type of man i have been looking for all in my life and i think you deserve to have someone like me because i am a very sweet and caring woman. passionate and honest person who doesn't like games and don't lik: prettylove997

1 Members Like "I think i would like to see if you are the type of man i have been looking for all in my life and i think you deserve to have someone like me because i am a very sweet and caring woman. passionate and honest person who doesn't like games and don't lik"

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