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I'm here to seek a serious relationship from a genuine person and he have to mature minded, good looking, kind and caring I don't care about the age or country he's from. Most be a mature minded guy

"I'm here to seek a serious relationship from a genuine person and he have to mature minded, good looking, kind and caring I don't care about the age or country he's from. Most be a mature minded guy" Stats

50% are Male
50% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like I'm here to seek a serious relationship from a genuine person and he have to mature minded, good looking, kind and caring I don't care about the age or country he's from. Most be a mature minded guy: Alice25

Newest Member to like I'm here to seek a serious relationship from a genuine person and he have to mature minded, good looking, kind and caring I don't care about the age or country he's from. Most be a mature minded guy: sexyforyou

2 Members Like "I'm here to seek a serious relationship from a genuine person and he have to mature minded, good looking, kind and caring I don't care about the age or country he's from. Most be a mature minded guy"

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Hi, you sound serious out there. I'm just afraid it may not be the right place.
68 months, 9 days ago