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I'm interested in meeting a man to start a friendship that will lead to a serious relationship. A man that will be my best friend, confidant, companion, partner, husband, father and the best lover in the world

"I'm interested in meeting a man to start a friendship that will lead to a serious relationship. A man that will be my best friend, confidant, companion, partner, husband, father and the best lover in the world" Stats

33.3% are Male
66.7% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like I'm interested in meeting a man to start a friendship that will lead to a serious relationship. A man that will be my best friend, confidant, companion, partner, husband, father and the best lover in the world: roseluv

Newest Member to like I'm interested in meeting a man to start a friendship that will lead to a serious relationship. A man that will be my best friend, confidant, companion, partner, husband, father and the best lover in the world: Etta05

3 Members Like "I'm interested in meeting a man to start a friendship that will lead to a serious relationship. A man that will be my best friend, confidant, companion, partner, husband, father and the best lover in the world"

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Hello am danny am looking for good lover, fucker,worker,open mind lady if u have this things mail
133 months, 6 days ago