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First Member to like intelligence: IsabellaSmiles

Newest Member to like intelligence: OldWarrior

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Your fukin jokin, not even one comment. ...
108 months, 3 days ago

howdy all, what really is true intelligence, i believe intelligence comes in many forms and levels, i believe to gain intelligence takes understanding, knowledge and experience, but answer me this, i can walk almost anywhere on this planet with nothing and i will and i have survived, a surgeon takes his children out camping, gets lost and they die of exposure, am i the more intelligent man because i survived and the surgeon perished, i think not, the only difference between us is our understanding and experience or lack thereof in any given situation, what truly is intelligence when to be at the height of knowledge and understanding in any given field is to be classed highly intelligent, the man who came up with a vaccine for a certain bacteria in the water that had been wiping out villagers or the bushman from bridgetown that found the right place to dig the new wells, whos the intelligent one? i belive intelligence is in the eye of the beholder, its limits and abilities judged and classified by each individual...and heres the kicker...does that not then make the very concept of intelligence moot...... so is there even such a thing as intelligence? ........hi guys i hope ive made up some decent points to get the ball rolling. cheers. kicking back
108 months, 22 days ago