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Looking for something different, something exciting. I'm not wasting another moment, I'm taking control of my happiness for the first time in life.and without sexual activity for 2 yrs coz now I need to explore my sexuality with someone and I open

"Looking for something different, something exciting. I'm not wasting another moment, I'm taking control of my happiness for the first time in life.and without sexual activity for 2 yrs coz now I need to explore my sexuality with someone and I open" Stats

0% are Male
100% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like Looking for something different, something exciting. I'm not wasting another moment, I'm taking control of my happiness for the first time in life.and without sexual activity for 2 yrs coz now I need to explore my sexuality with someone and I open: sweet_arianne

Newest Member to like Looking for something different, something exciting. I'm not wasting another moment, I'm taking control of my happiness for the first time in life.and without sexual activity for 2 yrs coz now I need to explore my sexuality with someone and I open: sweet_arianne

1 Members Like "Looking for something different, something exciting. I'm not wasting another moment, I'm taking control of my happiness for the first time in life.and without sexual activity for 2 yrs coz now I need to explore my sexuality with someone and I open"

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