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Masturbating at school

"Masturbating at school" Stats

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42.9% are Female
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When I was at school many eons ago I would love to masterbate anywhere at anytime. I hung around with a few girls who at the time though I was gay . We would go and sit on the back stairs of the art block. We would joke around. Then I just got my cock out for them to look at, with out thinking about what I was doing I started to have a wank in front of them . They were a bit gob smacked at first but they watched me a I shoot my load all over the place. Then when ever we were all together I would have a wank. It became a game, they would dare me to wank in different places for them . I would wank under the table in the school dinner room .If you would like to hear more about my wanking days at school get in touch
88 months, 13 days ago

hey. when i was 14 i got caught playing with my pussy in the girls toilet by a girl that was 16, i was so shy but Emma made me feel very comftable as she kissed me and gav me my first girl experiance
91 months, 3 days ago