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My man should love me! That is the main request for my future man. He should be caring, tender, kind and sociable. He should know what he wants. My man is a person who is witty and wise. He should know how to support a woman in any situation. I woul

"My man should love me! That is the main request for my future man. He should be caring, tender, kind and sociable. He should know what he wants. My man is a person who is witty and wise. He should know how to support a woman in any situation. I woul" Stats

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First Member to like My man should love me! That is the main request for my future man. He should be caring, tender, kind and sociable. He should know what he wants. My man is a person who is witty and wise. He should know how to support a woman in any situation. I woul: roseetruw

Newest Member to like My man should love me! That is the main request for my future man. He should be caring, tender, kind and sociable. He should know what he wants. My man is a person who is witty and wise. He should know how to support a woman in any situation. I woul: roseetruw

1 Members Like "My man should love me! That is the main request for my future man. He should be caring, tender, kind and sociable. He should know what he wants. My man is a person who is witty and wise. He should know how to support a woman in any situation. I woul"

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