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my name is linda, am from tempe arizona,USA. Am so heart broken and i want a guy that will make me forget all my past and move on with a better life, i need a real, caring and a honest guy to hook up with for a long term relationship.

"my name is linda, am from tempe arizona,USA. Am so heart broken and i want a guy that will make me forget all my past and move on with a better life, i need a real, caring and a honest guy to hook up with for a long term relationship." Stats

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First Member to like my name is linda, am from tempe arizona,USA. Am so heart broken and i want a guy that will make me forget all my past and move on with a better life, i need a real, caring and a honest guy to hook up with for a long term relationship.: linda_george

Newest Member to like my name is linda, am from tempe arizona,USA. Am so heart broken and i want a guy that will make me forget all my past and move on with a better life, i need a real, caring and a honest guy to hook up with for a long term relationship.: JoeChaput

2 Members Like "my name is linda, am from tempe arizona,USA. Am so heart broken and i want a guy that will make me forget all my past and move on with a better life, i need a real, caring and a honest guy to hook up with for a long term relationship."

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What a shame you are way to beautiful to mistreat.
97 months, 4 days ago

I don't know if i could make you forget your past but i would love the shot!We all seem to have something or someone in our past that we would like to forget hope i can be a help for you my dear.
103 months, 22 days ago