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Oral (Giving & receiving)

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60% are Male
40% are Female
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First Member to like Oral (Giving & receiving): Stoofa

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Spun cloudy af gold star lesbian 18f in los Angeles, really horny n curious iso a very oral older man to come take. Away my gold star More specifically something like this: You have been keeping your eye on me for a while, one night it just so happens you notice that my front door is unlocked, you let yourself in, walk through my kitchen area to the door to my main room, you're listening in to see I'm there alone, you bust in to my main room and find this little petite teen lesbian smoking crystal out of a bong in nothing but a pair of hello Kitty panties, high af blowing clouds alone, and you notice a wet spot right in the front of her panties. you ambush me pin me down and tie me up spread eagle, then either rip or cut off my clothes so I'm stripped down to either just my panties or nothing, as you play with and fondle my naked helpless body then you forced me to experience a man's mouth on l p****, I'm trying everything in me to not allow you to make me come but my pussy finally betrays me, and as you can tell I'm about to explode you look me right in the eye and a smirk starts to develop on your face and a gleam in your eye, you let out a sinister chuckle as I yell "nooo!!! Fuuuuck!!!!" And explode in your mouth... And then Force kiss me right after I explode your mouth so I taste myself on your lips and tongue... And you continue working on my little petite teen pussy, and it keeps playing out over and over that my pussy keeps betraying me over again maybe become repeatedly in your mouth, then you force me to experience sucking cock while I'm tied up, and then you start blowing in on my hymen my cherry, spreading my lips looking at it commenting on it blowing on it in tasting it pushing up on it with your tongue and pushing it with your fingertips and telling me in my ear that my little vlesbian p**** is going to come all over your cock and there's nothing I can do to stop it just like I couldn't stop myself from coming in your mouth, and point out that I am no longer in control of my own pussy, a MAN now controls my little lesbian pussy he decides if I cum when I cum how often And of course whatever you decide is going to happen is what goes down beyond that point including how long you decide to keep me af a coming quivering captive
12 months, 24 days ago