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Sharing my wife

"Sharing my wife" Stats

57.9% are Male
5.3% are Female
26.3% are Couples
First Member to like Sharing my wife: blove6sm

Newest Member to like Sharing my wife: DePeSx

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I really want to find a wife that I can share with everyone. I want my wife to be the biggest slut and whore in town. I want her to be known as the town bus, she can take heaps of men for a ride all at once all day and night long and her body is the towns property for pleasure. I want everyone in town to know this and everyone around to know that they can fuck her and use her as their sex slave whenever they want. She has to fuck any man who wants it and no laws of rape affect her so if she even refuses she can just get raped. She can be raped or used as a pleasure toy anywhere at anytime. No one can ever use protection (condoms) ether. I love her most when she is filled up with and covered in heaps of cum from lots of different men.
103 months, 16 days ago