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Women (All shapes and sizes)

"Women (All shapes and sizes)" Stats

100% are Male
0% are Female
0% are Couples
First Member to like Women (All shapes and sizes): AfterFive

Newest Member to like Women (All shapes and sizes): AfterFive

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Man, every site that I have been always complicate the simple. I hope that this gets posted. it's early Tuesday morning willing female that would love to have her legs spreaded wide this morning and let a brother that knows what he's doing get down there and eat that pussy the way you always wished someone would. I'm just putting it out there. If that's something you like, you are going to be thinking about this and talking about this for weeks to come. the more that I put into it, the more you going to like it. is that all analogy about having fun and having sex. hit me up. it would be nice.
77 months, 12 days ago