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The man I expect is healthy, honest, giving, well-motivated and warm-hearted. I don't need him with great fortune but he must take me serious in heart and responsible for his family. I want him care my feelings, he will comfort me when I feel up

"The man I expect is healthy, honest, giving, well-motivated and warm-hearted. I don't need him with great fortune but he must take me serious in heart and responsible for his family. I want him care my feelings, he will comfort me when I feel up" Stats

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100% are Female
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First Member to like The man I expect is healthy, honest, giving, well-motivated and warm-hearted. I don't need him with great fortune but he must take me serious in heart and responsible for his family. I want him care my feelings, he will comfort me when I feel up: abenawilson45

Newest Member to like The man I expect is healthy, honest, giving, well-motivated and warm-hearted. I don't need him with great fortune but he must take me serious in heart and responsible for his family. I want him care my feelings, he will comfort me when I feel up: abenawilson45

1 Members Like "The man I expect is healthy, honest, giving, well-motivated and warm-hearted. I don't need him with great fortune but he must take me serious in heart and responsible for his family. I want him care my feelings, he will comfort me when I feel up"

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